Episode #3 - Aging and Spirituality ft. Jane Kupfer

In this episode we feature Dr. Jane Kuepfer, the Schlegel Specialist in Spirituality and Aging, and professor at Conrad Grebel University College.

Show notes

Some great books:

Albans, K. and Johnson, M., eds. (2013). God, me and being very old: Stories and spirituality in later life. London, UK: SCM Press.

Bryden, Christine.  (2018). Will I still be me?  London, UK:  Jessica Kingsley.

Everman, L. and Wendorf, D., eds. (2019). Dementia-Friendly Worship: A Multifaith Handbook for Chaplains, Clergy, and Faith Communities. London ; Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

McFadden, S. H., & J. T. (2011). Aging together: Dementia, friendship, and flourishing communities. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press.

Morgan, Richard. (2002). Remembering your story: Creating your own spiritual autobiography. Nashville TN, Upper Room.

Multi-faith Guide from the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging:


Videos and PowerPoints from 8th International Conference on Ageing & Spirituality in Canberra, Australia: https://about.csu.edu.au/community/accc/ageing-spirituality/blog/article/videos-and-powerpoints-from-the-8th-icas

And invitation to the next International Conference, now to be held online (the website will be revised as plans are determined): https://uwaterloo.ca/ageing-spirituality

Recordings of annual Spirituality & Aging seminar speakers at Conrad Grebel University College: https://uwaterloo.ca/ageing-spirituality


Hello! We are The Kernel Network a connecting point for academic researchers, students, and community partners who share a vision and passion for improving end-of-life care in Canada.

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