IDG Update #2

Interview design draft and ethics clearance complete.

Even in the midst of this global pandemic we are doing our best to make progress on this project.

On May 21, 2020 Phase 2 of our project, “Physician Interviews,” received approval from a UWaterloo Research Ethics Board (REB). I didn’t know how much work these applications are! But the REB and some colleagues in the medical world gave us helpful guidance and we are glad to be released to be able to conduct what is in a sense the heart of this project - actually talking to doctors who regularly help dying patients about their take on killing and allowing to die.

Prior to getting ethics clearance, I worked with Kieran to produce an initial set of interview questions. This involved much back and forth between the seasoned sociologist on the project and the philosopher breaking into interdisciplinary research - we’ll say more about this in another post.

We then submitted our interview questions, along with the draft of our literature review paper from Phase 1 to a number of colleagues for feedback. We received excellent comments from many people including academics and doctors. This feedback will put us in a much better place to do the interviews well. It also challenged us to rethink our very approach to the conversations we’ll be having. We have many people to thank, including John Yoon, Lauris Kaldjian, Lydia Dugdale, John Neary, Donna Ward, Daniel Kim, Ewan Goligher, Jane Kuepfer and Sylvia Terzian.

Over the Summer, we’ll be revising and honing our interview questions, getting our lit review paper submitted for publication, and preparing for the interviews (to be conducted in Fall 2020). Given the ongoing Covid-19 situation, interviews will almost certainly happen via online video chats of some sort.

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Hello! We are The Kernel Network a connecting point for academic researchers, students, and community partners who share a vision and passion for improving end-of-life care in Canada.


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