Creating the Kernel Network Website
Being a first-year student, I never expected to be hired when I applied to be Web Portal developer for the Kernel Network. Graphic and web design was something that I dabbled with in high school, and something that I am passionate about, but I never thought it would lead me to this amazing experience.
I remember my interview with Dr. Andy Stumpf, the founder of the Kernel Network, vividly. My hands were shaking, my mind restless as I waited outside his office for my interview. When he opened the door, I was touched by his sincerity, kindness and passion for the project. Though the interview may have started as a typical one, where I outline my skills and experience in web design, it transformed into a thoughtful discussion where both of us bounced ideas off of one another about the values of the Kernel Project, and how I could use design to help spread these values to the world.
I left the interview fascinated by Dr. Stumpf's research and projects. And dare I say, I allowed myself to hope that I would be given the opportunity to work with him. I may not be a philosopher, or have extensive knowledge on end-of-life care prior to this, but I knew my curiosity of the subject would guide me towards a design that could speak volumes, and that could help intrigue the curiosity of others to learn more.
Thus, when I read the email that told me of my hiring, I went to straight to work, trying to learn more about end-of-life care through watching one of Dr. Stumpf’s videos, and how I can portray the knowledge in a clear visual way.
My first task before getting to the website was to develop a brand identity for the Kernel Network In my first meeting with Dr. Stumpf, we came up with the idea to play around with the metaphor of the name. A kernel is a seed. It is something small, but when nurtured, it can grow into something large and magnificent. This is what we hope for the Kernel Network. Death isn’t the end of the story, but that it creates a seed in the ground to grow into a beautiful life changing experience. This is how I developed the icon for the Kernel Network (which can be seen to the right on this blog post). The hands are nurturing the seed, and helping it sprout up to reach the rest of the world.
Now don't think that this icon just came to me out of the blue. I created pages of possible logos, experimenting with styles and colours before reaching the final one. It took a lot of feedback from the team and community members, and countless design iterations to make something that truly captured the Kernel Network’s values.
That process of feedback and design iterations was applied to the entire website design. Though I may have held the title of website designer, making the site was not me sitting in the dark vacuum of space and being brilliant without interaction. It was an incredibly collaborative process. Even once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I was never isolated in making the website. I couldn’t tell you how many emails, or phone or video calls I have had with Dr. Stumpf this quarantine where we discussed the website, but also his research and his dreams for the Kernel Network. I was inspired by each of them, using them as guides to further push the website development.
Of course I have to give a shout out to Jae Doncillo, our head of social media, for his thoughtful insight. I found his experience and knowledge of the online marketing community extremely helpful, and I always appreciated his feedback.
My thanks also spread to the Kernel Network community! I’ve appreciated every compliment and every bit of feedback that I have received from them, whether that be through filling out a form or a simple comment in the Facebook group. I especially thank the Clinicians’ Experience and Bioethical Distinctions research team for always replying back to my emails. Even though we have only met online, I am glad to be a part of this team.
All in all, as my contract comes to an end, I will miss working on the Kernel Network and collaborating with this amazing group of people. I truly have learnt so much over the course of these few months, and I hope that this website will help reach out and continue the conversations of end-of-life care.
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Hello! We are The Kernel Network a connecting point for academic researchers, students, and community partners who share a vision and passion for improving end-of-life care in Canada.