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Transforming the End of Life Experience


The Kernel Network (KN) is a connecting point for academic researchers, students, and community partners who share the multi-faceted goal of improving end-of-life care in Canada.

In pursuit of this goal the KN, currently centered in Waterloo, Ontario, seeks to host a variety of research projects, educational resources, events, and opportunities for student involvement, and to facilitate the building of community-academy partnerships.


KN founder Andrew Stumpf shares the vision of the Kernel Network



Discover end-of-life research projects led by professors associated with KN.


Courses and other educational resources to help you explore end-of-life issues.

Our Team

Check out Our Team and organizations in our community that collaborate with KN.

Let’s make the end-of-life experience as awesome as it can be.



Several opportunities this spring happening around the Kitchener-Waterloo region!